Intra-discursive linguistic creativity: Identification algorithm
The study develops the algorithm of identifying intra-discursive linguistic creativity which results from subdiscourse variance. We hypothesize that its degree can be identified if we consider the parametric values of linguistic creativity in the subdiscourse types described by macroparameters. In case they manifest atypical values in the discourse samples, we can identify these samples as having a higher degree of intra-discursive linguistic creativity. The algorithm is tested in four modern children’s novels which demonstrate the same macroparameters, “communicative event type (communication between an adult and an older child)”, “narrative component (Orientation and Complicating Action)”, “genre (realistic novel). In the samples, their degree of manifestation varies: “communicative event type” appears as first or third-person narration, in “narrative component” Orientation and Complicating Action succeed or Orientation prevails, “genre” demonstrates either higher or lower manifestations of humor. The algorithm involves four steps: detecting the relevant parameters of linguistic creativity manifested by macroparameters, parametric annotating of novels for the presence of their linguistic markers, establishing activity and binary contingencies of parameter values, establishing contingencies between the samples and identifying significant differences. The study shows that three parameters — register shifts, stylistic tropes and parallel structures — contribute to valid identification of intra-discursive linguistic creativity in the discourse of children’s literature. Correlation analysis held to establish binary parameter contingency values
helps establish the manifestations of humor (high contingency values of phonological parameters and lexical tropes), Orientation component prevailing (decreased contingency values), third-person narration with more explicit author’s position (atypical contingencies).
intra-discursive linguistic creativity, children’s literature, subdiscourse, discourse profile, parametric analysis
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Turner 2020 — Turner M. Constructions and creativity. Cognitive Semiotics. 2020, 13 (1).
Zipes 2001 — Zipes J. Sticks and Stones. The troublesome success of children’s literature from Slovenly Peter to Harry Potter. London; New York: Routledge, 2001.
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