Sergey Eisenstein: Director’s interpretation of Alexander Rzheshevsky’s screenplay Bezhin Meadow


  • Sergey A. Ogudov Gosfilmofond of Russia, 1, pr. Gosfilmofonda, Belye Stolby, Domodedovo, Moscow Region, 142020, Russia



This article examines the interpretation of Alexander Rzheshevsky’s screenplay Bezhin Mea

dow by Sergey Eisenstein. Comparison of different versions of the script reveals the emergence

of the film’s conception and changes of the narrative made during the transition from the

screenplay to the shooting script. Special attention was given to Eisenstein’s interpretation

of the three key episodes of the future film: siege of the church, highway episode, and defeat

of the church. The reduction of narrative distance and the growth of the scale of an event are

exemplified are exemplifies by the scene of the siege of the church. From this point of view the

shelling of peasants from the church and the subsequent assault evoke episodes from Battle

ship “Potemkin” and October. The interpretation of the highway episode is based on the use of

visual and aural counterpoint. Eisenstein finds the equivalent of the spoken word through the

use of the contrasting montage that combines images with speech, noise and music. Eisen

stein strengthens the role of religious reminiscences in the central episode of the defeat of the

church while showing the destruction of religious objects. Each of these episodes in a way or

another implies violence and oriented to the expression of traumatic experience. In this sense

Rzheshevsky’s screenplay echoed Eisenstein’s creative preoccupations. It made possible the

depiction of historical events in such a way that history itself becomes a substitute for this

experience. The study of the narrative in the screenplay allows us to reconstruct the content of

the unfinished and forbidden film.


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How to Cite

Ogudov, S. A. (2022). Sergey Eisenstein: Director’s interpretation of Alexander Rzheshevsky’s screenplay Bezhin Meadow. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 19(3), 559–574.



Literary Studies