About Old Russian lexicography (new information about the 17th century lexicographer David Zamaray)


  • Alexander N. Levichkin Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 9, Tuchkov per., St. Petersburg, 199053, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9508-1899




The article is devoted to several dictionary monuments related to the Azbukovnik genre, which arose and developed in Old Russian lexicography in the 17th century. Several manuscripts of these monuments, judging by the handwriting, are related to the lexicographer David Zamaray who was the head of the Moscow Printing House in the early 17th century. The characteristic handwriting of David Zamaray, with which the manuscripts with his author’s notes were written, is found in the manuscripts of the National Library of Russia (RNL), Solovetskoye sobr., No. 302/322, RNB, Sophijskoe sobr., No. 1567. Also, presumably Zamaray can be attributed to the list of manuscripts of the Russian State Library (RSL), collection S.O.Dolgova, No. 45. Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia, Solovetskoye collection, No. 302/322 and RSL, collection S.O.Dolgova, No. 45 refer to the little-studied period of the formation of the Azbukovnik genre. The first manuscript, organized alphabetically and partly by thematic organization of the vocabulary material, probably served as a reference for David Zamaray in his work on other dictionaries. The second manuscript is part of the lexicographic tradition of the early alphabet books, in which manuscripts of two editions are distinguished. The RNL manuscript, Sophia collection, No. 1567 is a manuscript of a separate edition of the Sixth Azbukovnik described in the article in comparison with other lexicographic monuments.


azbukovnik, historical lexicography, David Zamaray


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How to Cite

Levichkin, A. N. (2021). About Old Russian lexicography (new information about the 17th century lexicographer David Zamaray). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 18(1), 77–96. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu09.2021.105


